Friday, November 21, 2008


Joshua Chamberlain at Gettysburg certainly thought so. I wish I had this courage.


Z said...

I don't get where people get that courage...I've always wondered how those boys could have jumped into the water during D DAY after seeing their buddies not make it to shore..You'd have had to pry my cold and concrete fingers off the side of the boat to have got ME to get in......I hate to say!

Have you seen GLORY? I think it's a TERRIFIC film to show high schoolers, by the way. TALK about pride and dignity and dying for what you think's right...I highly recommend it.

At the end, I was SO into the characters, I couldn't bear watching any get hurt, as if they were relatives, I had my hands over my face! Please consider showing this to your kids!

Law and Order Teacher said...

I found that your performance in war is directly related to the survival instinct. I know it's hard to remember the ideal you are fighting for because it is all so immediate. But I think what put you in the situation drives you to want to survive it. In other words, ideals do matter. Without them war becomes meaningless. If wars are meaningless the will to fight for what you believe in is gone and those ideals die with it.

I use Glory in class. Great movie, great message.

Anonymous said...

"I've always wondered how those boys could have jumped into the water during D DAY after seeing their buddies not make it to shore."

Oh yea, I think about that every time I see the scene in the movie. I couldn't imagine what it was like.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Thanks for the visit. I want to talk about war, but it's strange to contemplate. Why did I go? It seems trite to say it was the right thing to do. That's it.

Texas Truth said...

As I watched the clip, tears came to my eyes. That kind of courage is still among us, but is ridiculed and chastised by the left. It makes my heart hurt when I see how our fine troops are treaded and shown disrespect by the left. Situations like this is what made this country great, not the future resident of the White House. I am going to watch the otehr clip you posted. Thanks for the post.