Tuesday, February 26, 2008


While perusing my NEA Today March issue I was skimming the worthless crap in the magazine as usual looking for the normal leftist junk that fills the magazine. I was confronted on page 54, under the title BRINGING THE TROOPS HOME, with the heartwarming information that that noted policy wonk Reg Weaver, the well-compensated president of the union, had written a letter to President Bush "to convey NEA's concerns about the ongoing war in Iraq, its impact on students whose parents have been deployed, and its drain on the nation's financial resources." The next sentence gave the standard leftist rhetoric about "fully supporting the troops in Iraq and insisting they be provided with the necessary resources."

While becoming irritated with the unnecessary use of Reg's time and my money writing the president about a policy which does not impact education, I was particularly disgusted with the lame attempt to come up with some connection to education so it would look as though the NEA had some business giving policy advice on non-educational issues. As a coerced member of this leftist union that spends an inordinate amount of time and my money on non-educational issues, I have become used to them spending my coerced dues money on their leftist agenda.

The next part then helpfully provided several websites for the concerned teacher to make sure their students are properly inculcated in the anti-war movement. Again, this is standard fare, after this magazine has published several anti-Wal-Mart articles. The websites were particularly galling. Among them: Rethinking Schools, which will provide the enterprising left-leaning teacher with curricular resources such as Whose Wars? Teaching about the Iraq War and the War on Terrorism. That will be a fair presentation of both sides of the debate I'm sure. How about "United for Peace in Justice, U.S. Labor Against the War, and last but not least, that bastion of fairness and balanced debate CODEPINK. I'm sure a lot of people were impressed by their performance at Berkley recently.

It is very impressive Reg and his minions attempted to hide their leftism on page 54. I, as a member of this paid mouthpiece of the leftist agenda am greatly irritated that my money is spent on a massive amount of propaganda with which I don't agree. Is it any wonder that the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to defeat a piece of legislation that would have required unions to come clean on the misuse of union members money and steadfastly supported legislation that would have made secret ballots a thing of the past.

Closed shops are a violation of individual freedom and a stain on America and I resent being compelled to support unions and leaders unworthy of my money and support.


Unknown said...

And that's why I have never been, and never will be, a member of the AAUP.

Anonymous said...

I am glad I live where there is a "choice" of teacher unions. I don't like the idea of being part of any of them, but some are a little less blatantly liberal than others.

BTW...looks like someone is spamming you.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Thanks, rightwingprof and texbookie for the visits.

This has been happening for about a week. As for the visit, thanks unfortunately I don't have a choice. It sucks.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Which is why I don't read anything from the NEA.

Law and Order, you could use haloscan. That way if you get spammed you can simply delete or block the spammer. It's free and so easy to use even I did it...

Law and Order Teacher said...

I hope when you begin teaching you are not subjected to a closed shop. It is one of the most un-American things I have been involved in. Thanks for visiting.

Average American said...

You have my condolences on being a member of NEA. I was a school board member here in New Hampshire for a few years and know how they are. I too belong to a union, LIUNA, for construction workers. I could do the same kind of work for $5-$10 less per hour and not be in a union but I sold out and put up with the crap that comes with it. At least I have a choice.


Law and Order Teacher said...

If the union does its job of getting better pay and benefits for its members that's what its all about. Politics aside, a union exists for the betterment of it members. The NEA exist to push leftist agenda. After all, teachers are still the lowest paid professionals in the country.

Don, American Idle said...

I withdrew from the NEA/CTA in 1977. And they lied when they said they would only charge me for the cost of salary negotiation, but billed for the full dues, even though I got none of the "perks" of membership -- the crap publication, vsrious insurances, travel savings, etc. Hopefully, in 2007 in the state of Washington, they have been encouraged not to do that. But since our law suit thirty yesrs ago didn't, don't hold your breath.