Sunday, June 24, 2012

Is anyone as crazy as I am about this "fast and furious" deal.  I watched an interview today with California congressman Darrell Issa, (R),  and Elijah Cummings (D), ranking member of the committee investigating the scandal.  My question is how does the Justice Department lie about this operation, change their statement saying sorry, we lied, and still have any credibility.  What the hell?

I remember the "scandal" when Bush fired U.S. attorneys and all the publicity and angst about it, when in fact it was business as usual.  Clinton fired attorneys, something to the tune of 60+.  But Queen Pelosi and her cronies generated a scandal and we wasted millions of dollars investigating the fact that the president fired people and put in his own supporters.  There you go, "scandal." 

Meanwhile, a scandal that resulted in the death of a border agent, Bryan Terry isn't that big of a deal?  Again I say, what the hell?  I don't ever remember being involved, in my 26 year law enforcement career, in letting illegally purchased weapons to walk.  Who thought this was a good idea?  Holder can blame it on Bush, but sometime or other this administration is going to "man up" and take responsibility for what he's done.  That seems to be a real problem for the president.  He loves to blame anyone but himself.  What a pansey. 


Ducky's here said...

Wrong as usual.

It is standard procedure for a president to ask for the resignation of attorneys at the start of a term. Note that The Black Messiah left conservative attorneys in place.

However, Chucklenuts fired the attorneys due to their "lack of cooperation" in following his directives. Pure political interference and not at all typical. So get it straight.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Hi. Thanks for your visit. This is a classic case of spin. The reason for the firing of the attorneys is up for grabs according to your take on it. I think the president has the alternative to fire anyone who works for them.

The only ones who can bitch are union people who are protected regardless of their work performance. We are all at the mercy of our employers in the end, right? If you don't perform to the satisfaction of your employer you're susceptible. That's the way it works.

Again, this was a manufactured controversy from Queen Pelosi and her minions.

PRH said...

Nothing has changed, Ducky is still a Obammy pole smoking asswipe....with head up ass.

Hey Steve...good to see you back in action brother....


Z said...

The president can walk in and fire everyone just because he's president and it's a new administration.
A president's people do not have the right to vandalize electrical outlets and computers like Gore's people did before they left.
this was TOTAL SPIN...

Your "friend geeeeZ" thanks you for that honor, L&O.
I have to admit I get VERY teary-eyed when I watched that video, could one not?
I'm glad it meant so much to you, (steve?!) :-)

Z said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's my name. Thanks for the visit.

Z said...

someone else used it so I thought I could echo the name :-)
I'm SO concerned about anonymity, I hesitated, but I figured... :-)

It's kind of fun to know real names finally!
Z's part of mine!! AND IT'S NOT ZELDA!!!!

Z said...

Too bad CNN won't run this...I saw the video on FOX today! I was really surprised...

I hope you had a good Fourth, Steve; you deserve it.

Pablo the Mexican said...

Put a locator chip in each one; find hideouts of Mexican Mafia Cartel Members.

Quietly go in and kill them, dump their bodies and say the other Cartel did it.



Law and Order Teacher said...

Thanks for your visit. I wish someone else would too, but we have to know that the MSM won't so it is what it is. I had a good fourth and I'll have a good birthday on Saturday with my family. Scary, I'm getting old.

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