Friday, April 2, 2010


I won't spend a lot of energy mocking this congressman because he does a good enough job of that himself. I am however, impressed with his concern for this possible geological miracle. With his concern for the environment and global warming, what a great example of a politician that's really is working to make America a great country. Heartwarming. I wish I could laugh at this, but, frankly, it's too damned disturbing.

Then we have the example of the Republicans spending money at the Voyeur night club in order to court donors. Well done. It's certainly important to relate to all voter communities, even perverts. To add to this stupidity, the RNC Chairman and his cronies are doing a fine job promoting themselves as an alternative to Dem arrogance and constitution shredding policies. Some alternative.

I've often expressed my belief that the Repubs will be unable to go against their innate political arrogance and think of serving the people who elected them. Politicians have a sorry history of becoming so enamored with power that they forget that they were elected by their fellow citizens to represent them in Washington and to do their bidding. Their Burkean tendency to feel that they alone know what's best for their constituents is a strong tendency most aren't able to overcome.

Napoleon was right.

"In politics, stupidity is not a handicap."

I hope that some politician will awake and think about doing the job for which they have been elected. The American people are much smarter than most of the politicians they elect. Maybe the politicians should listen to them.


Tapline said...

L&O Teach, The biggest problem is when talking about this Club incident, who does one believe...One person says one thing and another says another....The ones making a big to do about nothing,which seems to the their constant minor points in the big scheme of things......LOOK AT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS COUNTRY. And what are we being fed?????Wow!!!! someone went to an off colored night club.....WOW....Someone called someone a name.....WoW lets stop the world.....WE are being smothered by an administration out of control and we are listening to BS. Some Republicans are rethinking that monstrous Healh care miscarriage of Justice!!!Fire them!!!!What do they know or think they know, that we don't?????I can't think they are that ignorant..What don't they understand about the government doesn't have any money?????.. What are the big problems not being addressed by those that could make a difference????????JOBS....My daugher-in-law has been out of work for growing on, 2 years.......ENERGY.....They could allow drilling immediately, but NO!!! They could pass a bill to stop the enviornmentalist roadblocks,,,,but NO!!!! I just read, one refinery plant has stopped operating too much Oil. Then, why are we paying so much for oil and soon to be paying more?????.. I predict Oil will be nationalized soon!!! they make us spend all of our money trying to survive..Where does it end..I still them all out and replace them with Federalist..I'm rambling again....stay well..(or better still get sick because later on a bureaucrat will be telling you you can't be sick this month...or year,,,whatever....)

Z said...

the idea that someone like that guy in the video was ELECTED is scarier than ALL of Tapline's rant!
Even scarier than THAT is the Left's saying he was KIDDING..Yup, that's the story (look like he was kidding to you?)
Also, they're saying he was off his meds.
THIS is the example of someone who represents Americans in our Congress..yikes.

Anonymous said...

Like minds, LOT.

In a fair and balanced country, we would not only remove this twit from office --we would also send into exile everyone who voted for him.

Semper Fi

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

When he said this I bet he really thought he was being inciteful and brilliant. He thought to himself "What a genius I am. I thought of this and all those eggheads didn't."

I'm having problems with something my Congresman just said.

I have to give you your due LaOT. The cream of the crop is not in Congress.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

I'll submit THIS caveat: TAXPAYING and CONTRIBUTORS to American society are more intelligent than many politicians. You CANNOT run either a business or the average household with the politicians' spending philosophies. UNsustainable!


Leslie Parsley said...

Here's one of my favorite quotes:

"The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something stupid."
Art Spander

Z - I really try to keep my ear close to the ground and I simply haven't heard any of this. Could you maybe cite your sources?

tha malcontent said...

The charges about racial slurs and the spit issue have been totally dis-proven. The black congressman has admitted he was not spit on. It was entirely a set up to cause problems, but it back fired. The jerks forgot that videos and cellphone cameras are in fashion these days........

Brooke said...


What can one say? Napoleon was correct.

Leslie Parsley said...

Z - you don't have to bother. I did some research. Johnson has Hepatitis C. If you know anyone who has it, then you will know what a horrid disease it is. I've watched two people suffer with it - one finally committed suicide. I wouldn't wish this on my very worst enemy. Here is only one of several articles explaining it.

Mal - here's a site that disputes the claims by the right-wing bloggers.

repsac3 said...

That the guy was trying to make a rhetorical point about how many people it'd take to reach an ecological/practical tipping point on the island by positing that too many could tip the island over, seemed perfectly obvious to me...

That there are those who actually believe that a US representative could make it through all the vetting it takes to be elected to a federal office without anyone noticing that the guy's dumb enough to believe that islands float, and that they can be tipped over, is far more scary than anything this guy said.

When you hear people say that Republicans lack whatever it is that makes folks understand humor (particularly satire and irony, in my experiences), THIS is the kinda thing they're talking about... (Though that awful FoxNews show the "half hour comedy hour", and it's replacement, "RedEye," certainly don't help...)

Conservatives can do as they wish, of course, but I'd suggest that you folks avoid trying so hard to make somethin' outta nothin' that you make yourselves look humorless in the process...

Yes, the video's funny... but that isn't because the congressman is stupid, but because he was cleaver enough to make the argument the way he did...

American Yankee said...

repsac3 has been drinking that cheep homemade bootlegged booze early in the morning again.

tha malcontent said...

tnlib said...
"Mal - here's a site that disputes the claims by the right-wing bloggers."

That's what you call Proof? Give me a break, anyone can write whatever they want in their own blog...even bullshit.

I can give you 1000 sites that say differently.
You Can Start Here.

Frankly, I sick and tired of being called a lair and other names by obama & the liberals

Anonymous said...

The left will always seek to explain such buffoonery as part of a conservative conspiracy to besmirch the good name of a distinguished Democrat. We see this time and again. Some even suggested that conservative agents planted $90,000.00 in Congressman Jefferson’s refrigerator.

I am a conservative, but this has nothing to do with political party. It does have much to do with such a large number of idiots serving in Congress. These men and women did not get to congress through miraculous conception. Voting Americans placed them in Congress. The responsibility, therefore, rests with the American people, not Congressman Johnson.

Now I will say that it is somewhat scary when a man possesses a law degree, and this is the best analogy he can manufacture to make a point about ‘over population.’ I say this particularly in light of the fact that the proposal suggests moving a Marine division from Japan to Guam, a US territory. Should there be any discussion at all —much less a moronic one?

But now we are discussing intellectual honesty; do leftists really want to defend Hank Johnson? If the answer is “yes,” then there can be no greater indictment of America’s public education system.

Unknown said...

I guess I will step up to the plate and ask a silly question. How does a Representative in Congress get a free pass to talk stupid based on the idea that he has Hepatitis C???
Hep C is either got through sexual contact with a contaminated person or IV drug use. If he is that sick that he can't use his brain to talk sensibly and make wise decisions, should he be acting on behalf of citizens???? One should know their limitations and act accordingly. I do not wish this man ill, but come on, quit making excuses for him.

Leslie Parsley said...

HAM: Obviously you really aren't familiar with H-C and its dynamics.

I'm rather sad that people here, all good Christians I'm sure, seem to forget that compassion is not defined by or limited to political beliefs, color, size, shape or form, or religious doctrine.

Interesting in that today is Easter Sunday. Peace.

Unknown said...

tnlib, it is obvious to me you don't understand what I said. Get off the sanctimony bandwagon and understand what I said. I knew a man with Hep C who's transplanted liver was destroyed by the virus. He is the one who informed me about the cause, severity, and treatment/prognosis of the disease. I have compassion for the sick and infirm in our society.

What I don't have is understanding for anyone who is too sick to perform their responsibilities in public office not doing "the right thing" and stepping down! That is what normal people who love their country would do. As I said, I do not wish ill on Hank Johnson, but I believe when it comes to the responsibility of public service, one should know their limitations and always do the right thing.

Now, where did you get your medical degree????

Sam Huntington said...

Someone once observed the difference between sympathy and compassion is that one who sympathizes, sees and feels, but does nothing. Compassionate men see, feels and then do something about the need. The Bible uses the word sympathy very few times in the Bible, but the word compassion and its forms used extensively. Jesus always had compassion on the crowd and the people. He did something about their needs. What can we do about a man inflicted with a serious disease? Does compassion demand that we make excuses for his ineptness, or simply that we refuse to judge him?

Let us have compassion; let us not be stupid about it.

Leslie Parsley said...

I'm listening.

Leslie Parsley said...

Mal said, "I sick and tired of being called a lair and other names by obama & the liberals."

I don't believe I called you or anyone here a liar or anything else.

You site 4 conservative blogs after stating, "anyone can write whatever they want in their own blog..." And that's true but it applies across the board. The one I cited is from the Kansas City Star, a highly respected newspaper - probably one of the few media outlets left that is the least bit objective.

HAM said, "If he is that sick that he can't use his brain to talk sensibly and make wise decisions, should he be acting on behalf of citizens???? One should know their limitations and act accordingly."

I agree with the first part. The second part calls into question this: if his brain is so befuddled, he probably doesn't even recognize that he has a problem. It's like the alcoholic who doesn't recognize he's an alcoholic and needs family intervention because his brain is too fried. If Johnson is this bad off, which apparently he is, someone needs to intervene.

"Now, where did you get your medical degree????"

Probably the same place you received yours.


Law and Order Teacher said...

I will not be able to respond to each of you so I'll respond in toto. First, I guess I'm humorless, but I don't get the "humor" and neither did the admiral. I couldn't have kept a straight face when the congressman said this.

I would certainly have been interested in some clarification of his remarks. If I had made this statement, I would have been compelled to offer some follow-up to it so as to identify it as humor, or in this case, lack of it.

Any follower of congress would surely get that a lot and frightenly a lot, of these people are not fit to be picking up dog poop in the park. But instead, they are making policy for all of us. Sheesh.

My follow-up question for the congressman would have went something like this. If the island can capsize, that would indicate that you are convinced that islands float I would reply that not only can the island float it could drift. That being the case, how big does the anchor have to be hold all the islands in place?

Just a thought. Thank you all for your comments.

Hepatitis C? Really? How do explain all the other ridiculous statements made by congress? If so, this guy should be in a hospital not in congress. He is making your laws. That doesn't disturb you? Maybe I'm touchy.

Thanks Z,Truth, Mustang, tnlib, BZ, mal, Brooke, respac, right he was cleaver enough?, Yank,
HAM, Sam, thank to you all. I enjoyed your replies. I don't agree with some of it, but it's nice to read the different takes.

Leslie Parsley said...

L&OT: I'm not saying that his statement wasn't off the wall or that it should even be ignored or excused. I repeat, "The second part calls into question this: if his brain is so befuddled, he probably doesn't even recognize that he has a problem.... If Johnson is this bad off, which apparently he is, someone needs to intervene." - like a loved one.

As far as other members of Congress? Well, I don't know what their excuses are to be honest.

repsac3 said...

"First, I guess I'm humorless, but I don't get the "humor" and neither did the admiral. I couldn't have kept a straight face when the congressman said this.

I would certainly have been interested in some clarification of his remarks. If I had made this statement, I would have been compelled to offer some follow-up to it so as to identify it as humor, or in this case, lack of it."

I never claimed it was funny, only that the "tipping over" thing due to overpopulation was intended to be a metaphor for the island reaching/surpassing it's ecological "tipping point" with the increased population and the demands on the area and it's natural and manmade services.

As for follow up, you're in luck, because he did offer some, not long after the media and blogs got going on the 'idiot" meme...

“I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over,” said Johnson. “I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction to the port on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which would adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and over burden its already overstressed infrastructure.

“Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable island – is already overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do harm to Guam.”
- Hank Johnson and a "capsizing" Guam - Political Insider, Atlanta Journal Constitution
A later statement on the Congressman's website simply said "The subtle humor of this obviously metaphorical reference to a ship capsizing illustrated my concern about the impact of the planned military buildup on this small tropical island." - Rep. Johnson's statement on Guam comments in an Armed Services Committee hearing
And even the folks in Guam seem to get it...
"Madeleine Bordallo, Guam's delegate in the House, told Kuam News that she understood Johnson's comment was in jest. "I know Congressman Hank Johnson, and I'm sure that -- he's been here to Guam -- so I'm sure that it was just a joke," she said.

Furthermore, Bordallo added, she is not concerned about Congress being ill-informed about the island. Over 50 percent of the Armed Services Committee has been to Guam, she said."
- Guam Tipping Over Comment No Concern for Guam Officials - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

I get that the guy looks foolish in the video--especially if that's what you're lookin' to see-- but don't accept that he, or the people who elected him, really are dumb enough to believe that islands can/do tip over if not correctly weighted. (Everyone who's anyone knows that islands are for more likely to sink quite evenly down before any tipping would occur...) If the man really did lack that much intelligence, it's pretty unlikely that this incident would be the first and so far only indication of it...

Anyway, them's the statements you was suggesting you would've made, if you was in his shoes... Apparently in that regard, anyway, you and he came to the same well thought out conclusion... You can decide for yourself whether that makes your intelligence level somewhere down by his, his intelligence level somewhere up near yours, or just dumb luck by one or the other of you... 8>)

Ducky's here said...

It's unfortunate, the man has evidently been quite ill for some time with serious hepatitis.

Interesting to see if he's re-elected in November.

Usually you have to go to Oklahoma to find this kind of quality.

Law and Order Teacher said...

This guy is not competent to be in congress if he is too sick to speak clearly or think clearly. My contention is that there are plenty of congress members who should plucking chickens or something rather than making laws. Intelligence isn't a prerequisite otherwise at least 2/3 of these jokers would be back home causing havoc. I don't have a lot respect for most politicians of any political stripe. The less of them the better. The less these people plague the nation with their stupidity the better for all of us. Term limits would be a good start. Thanks for visiting.

Thanks for the info. Sorry he's sick, but I not happy with being in congress if that challenges his competence. Too of these people are not sick with anything physical, but of questionable mental ability.

repsac3 said...

"This guy is not competent to be in congress if he is too sick to speak clearly or think clearly."

I'm not making the "too sick" argument; I'm saying he's no more or less competent than anyone else in that room, and just tried to make a point with a "tipping over/tipping point" metaphor that many misunderstood--in some cases intentionally and willfully misunderstood, in the name of partisan politics.

But I'll go this far with ya... If he is in fact too sick to do the job, he shouldn't be serving. (He wouldn't be the first or only elected official I felt this way about, up to and including a well venerated and much celebrated Republican President who served during my lifetime...)

"I don't have a lot respect for most politicians of any political stripe. The less of them the better. The less these people plague the nation with their stupidity the better for all of us."

I always feel bad when I see folks on the right talk that way about the US government and the people we elect--and by extension, the people who do the voting, as well. I'm not saying elected officials are geniuses or Gods, but given all it takes to get elected and to serve, by and large, they ain't stupid, either. (It also makes me wonder why so many who feel this way about government and elected office turn around and work for or around elected officials or government--and in some cases actually run for elected office themselves.)

In this regard, we disagree... I believe that the people who run and who serve are intelligent and giving Americans who are doing what they can to protect and defend the country and our way of life... matter which party they hail from. (That's not to say I don't disagree with some of 'em, politically or personally, but I neither think them stupid or un-American for believing in a different political philosophy than I do. Wrong, yes. Stupid, no.) I can't be so cynical as to think our government is made up of fools out to get us, and I feel kinda bad for those who are and who do...

LA Sunset said...

//I believe that the people who run and who serve are intelligent and giving Americans who are doing what they can to protect and defend the country and our way of life... matter which party they hail from. //

One can define the word "naive", but until he/she can cite a viable example it just doesn't register with some people. This statement is an excellent example.

Pamela Zydel said...

Respac: I believe I’m a fairly open-minded person and give people the benefit of the doubt, even Liberals, which has dubbed me a “liberal ass kisser” and a “traitor” from many on the Right. With that being said, I truly believe Johnson thought Guam would tip and capsize. Here is my reason:

In his first comment to the Admiral, Johnson states he is concerned with the island becoming over populated which could result in the island “tipping and capsizing” and he uses hand and body gestures to PROOVE his point. A person making the argument of a “tipping point” would most likely not use hand and body gestures .

When the Admiral reassures Johnson that “they” don’t expect that to happen, Johnson THEN proceeds to contest using the environment, ecological system, coral reef and “stuff like that” argument.

IF Johnson’s major concern was the environment and ecological system why didn’t he present it in his opening statement?

repsac3 said...

Pam: All I can say is I don't see it that way, and, at least so far, haven't heard anyone who knows the guy or was actually in that room who does see it that way.

If you want me to critique his delivery of the humorous metaphor, I'll agree that he could've done better. But not being good at delivering a humorous line isn't the same as not trying to deliver one... (Watching the video again, I thought I even detected a slight smile on his face as he makes the "tipping" motion, which unfortunately, it mostly obscured by his hands... YMMV...)

The population argument is of a piece with the environmental impact argument, rather than two separate points, and a person trying to use a metaphor for "tipping point" very well may make that motion... (It's not as though he wasn't saying the island might literally tip over; it's that he meant it figuratively, saying that the increased population and environmental impact will bring the island to it's tipping point. And watching the video again, it's pretty apparent that the guy has a little Italian in him, and says pretty much everything he says accompanied by hand gestures.)

It's a matter of interpretation, and I can no more prove I'm correct than those who think he's just stupid or incompetent can... Should he make other statements that bring his intelligence or ability to think and reason into question, I'll revisit my position, but not having seen any myself or reports of any from credible or non-biased sources, I'm comfortable believing he was trying to make a reasonable and valid point, and simply did so clumsily... evidenced by all the folks who failed to understand his intended meaning.

I find m explanation much more likely that the one some folks on the right are positing; that the people of GA failed to notice that they were electing an idiot to represent them in the House. With respect to the cynics and sophisticates here, I prefer to have more evidence before branding anyone an idiot or believing that our crop of elected officials is full of 'em... If you believe that makes me naive or a happy idiot myself, so be it...

For all the labels I hear tossed around about libs in general or me in particular (nihilists, anti-Americans, blame America firsters), I seem to be the least "down on the US" person in this conversation... I believe we elect good men and women, and for the most part, they selflessly do their best for the country and it's citizens... (While I didn't agree with Bush or his policies, I believed the same about him, too.) Naive? yeah, maybe... But I'd much prefer to naively think the best of us and give folks the benefit of the doubt... least until they don't deserve it anymore, rather than believe that they all suck, and America's done for... I couldn't live with that kinda cynicism, and as I said above, I feel bad for those who do...

Ducky's here said...

Thanks for the info. Sorry he's sick, but I not happy with being in congress if that challenges his competence. Too of these people are not sick with anything physical, but of questionable mental ability.


I don't know if there is a mechanism to remove a sitting Rep. due to incapacity.

What can be done other than voting him out? Dementia is not a high crime or misdemeanor, real hole there.

Pamela Zydel said...

Respac: We will have to “respectfully” disagree on this one then. But rest assured I do not and have not ever considered you “naïve” or a “happy idiot”. You have always been very civil and informed—even though we don’t agree, however, that doesn’t make either of us idiots, just different in our views.

I, like you, don’t want to live with cynicism but I’m quite disheartened with our officials on the Hill. I feel so many have let us down. However, I feel that many Americans have opened their eyes, taken their heads out of the sand and become involved and that has inspired me. So, I have a lot more hope today than I used to, therefore I’m not “down” on the US and many of my posts prove that. They aren’t filled with angry, hate-filled rhetoric but optimism and encouragement.

Z said...

L&0: "I would certainly have been interested in some clarification of his remarks. If I had made this statement, I would have been compelled to offer some follow-up to it so as to identify it as humor, or in this case, lack of it."

Of course, that's the crux of it. I give big kudos to that admiral for not bursting into laughter at the ridiculous comment. Watch for yourselves, how halting and looking for words the poor congressman is.

As for the spitting incident, I've watched that video three or four times and can't believe nobody would have stopped and demanded something be done right there on the spot...the congressman and his pals barely miss a beat as they keep walking on.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Sorry I've been out for a couple of days. I'm sorry to exhibit my disappointment with our elected officials. But they really suck as a whole. It's a shame that we have sent our lesser people to represent us. These people are without a doubt the wrong solution. Since when was it good that you vote for a bill you haven't read. I'll post something that proves that tonight. I'm sorry I've been out, but I have things to do.

Z, Pam,
Thanks for the visit. You are great for commenting here, but I wish I could be with you. I'm trying to keep ahead but I'm falling behind. I'll try to do better.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

That particular individual in the video is just a bleeding idiot, but a sufficiently manipulate idiot coupled with money to have an equal bank of Stegosauri voting for him.

With regard to the GOP, they SHOULD be called out on that idiotic spending -- another reason I STOPPED contributing to the RNC and instead send checks to MY LOCAL and state candidates. No fiscal middlemen.